Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Phoenix - Eau Claire Wisconsin

While stopping in Eau Claire, I came upon this light, while walking along the river path. The history of its existence, I found to be not only interesting but also inspirational and thus felt it earned a place in my blog.
A company call Phoenix Manufacturing occupied this site. Although it sustained Eau Claire's economy thru difficult time, it left a wake of disaster in its wake. The rivers became dumping grounds. An 1891 publication boasted that "Few cities have as a convenience a way of dumping sewage". Children made balls and water wings by inflating pig bladders they found near the slaughter house. By the end of the 20th century, concerns about sanitation, flooding and public access played a part in the reclaiming the rivers and their banks. The City reclaimed this site and removed - and this is what I find unreal- 34 tons of tires, 16 tons of steel debris, 60 cubic yards of treated timbers. Contractors excavated and processed 7600 cubic yards of contaminated soil. This are is now developed into a beautiful park and THUS as the Phoenix is associated with rebirth, It became the symbol displayed on this light.(It also represents the Company that had occupied the land)

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